Sports punter: The Basic Principles of the Theory of Sports Betting
Football is the most popular kind of sport in the world, as well as in concern to bookmaker bets. Many of you probably used to bet on the Champions League or the World Championship and you lost money on such bets many times, now thinking “How did it happen?”, “How is it possible?”, “That Bet slip should have won”?
Or “How could they not win? In the end, the opponent played in 10 since the 30th minute. Moreover, they had many situations, two crossbars, a penalty”. We will make you happy by saying that many players experienced the same. Many sports punters, even those who possess huge knowledge about football and footballers experienced the same.
Of course, information and knowledge of teams have important significance in successful betting, but it is not enough.
On our own experience we decided to create a sports punter’s guide. If you wait that we will give you a “golden rule” of wins in bookmaker bets then you will be disappointed, since there is no such thing. Nevertheless, there are some rules and principles which we learnt by way of mistakes and tries. You have a sports punter’s guide Winonbetonline thanks to which we hope your profits will increase.

How to effectively predict football?
If you want to become a successful sports punter, then knowledge about footballers and teams is a real necessity. This will make your task easier if you are really interested in football. And then – all the possible information which you will be able to get about the match you are interested in, what, of course, does not guarantee success, but helps a lot.
A team’s condition, statistics, relationships between footballers, relationships between the coach and the players, financial situation of the club, players’ behaviour, their plans for the future, what they eat, how often they visit parties – virtually everything.
More about match analysis is here. Where to find such information? Some time ago it was much harder, but there is nothing simpler now, it is enough to have desire and a bit of time. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have lots of football news, and believe us, often such “rumour” will tell us about teams and players more than 10 official press conferences.
Statistics – in the times of the Internet, it would be a sin not to use such a source of knowledge. Spending several minutes of time you can get different facts about footballers and teams (what we recommend you to do). Of course, the statistics itself and history of direct matches do not have correlation 1 to 1 when the match is on, but make it easier to bet effectively.
1, maximum 2 matches on a coupon – an iron clad rule of the leading sports punters of the world. The vast majority of them play just with ordinaries, sometimes create expresses from two bets. Ask yourself how many times have you thought about what to do with a win while the coupon lost due to the last fifth match. A sure thing 1,25. Of course, there are situations when such five-step coupons also win. Such a method can even bring profits within some time but believe us that playing in such a way you will sooner or later become bankrupt. There is no other way.
1,50/1,60 – these are the minimal odds for a successful cupper. Of course, you can find interesting odds at the level 1,35 and use it in a double express, however the leading sports punters play with odds from 1,50 and higher.
Sure things do not exist – there is no such thing as a 100% sure thing match. Yes, there are matches with high probability, but you can never tell before a match that something will probably happen. So, you should not play all-in even in a most likely sure thing match, as it can seem.
Season’s phase – a stage of the tournament has huge impact on the match result. In the first stages footballers are still on holiday in thoughts, and coaches experiment and try to create the team again. It is a bad moment for earning. Situation in the last rounds, which are often called “rounds of miracles” looks the same.
At that time part of a team fights for a place in the European cups, part for holding in the league, and the majority of teams play without any aims. More often than not it can show sensational results, strange and unpredictable things, which we had to recall in order to warn you.
Calmness – bookmaker bets is an entertainment for people with strong nerves. If in stress situations (they will most likely happen) you cannot keep calm then you should better not risk money, instead visit a cinema with a girlfriend. Calmness and objective, thorough analysis of the match – are keys to success.
Sympathies should be left behind – really, this point could have been written together with calmness, but we deliberately put it separately. Betting on your favorite team cannot end successfully eventually. You like team X? Great, support it as you can.
But this does not mean that you should bet all money on it every time. You should separate sympathy to a club from earning, what you are interested in.
Betting under alcohol intoxication – a sure misfortune, what can seem so obvious, but not for all as it turns out. Prediction of matches after several glasses of beer – is a sure way to the bottom. We are not against drinking beer with friends while watching a match. But you should then stay away from a laptop/smartphone. You will save money in such a way.
Believe it or not, many inexperienced sports punters bet on a concrete match just because it is shown on TV. Without any preparation, without analysis, because of being bored. You can do it like this also. But you can fight boredom in another way – wash windows or go for a walk with the dog, you should leave bookmaker bets alone then. It is a pity to waste money.
Betting too many bets will not bring success as well, there is a risk, especially at weekends, when all the best leagues play, and we have much free time. So around 13 you bet on the Premier League, then on Bundesliga, Serie A, after 18 on the end of the Spanish Derby evening.
Such tactics have small chances for success. We recommend to concentrate on one, maybe two matches, and the prediction should base on solid analysis.
If to speak about El Clásico. You should not bet on final matches, derby or hits forcing yourself. We perfectly understand that such matches awake huge emotions, but it does not mean that you should bet on them. One more time – separate emotions of a fan from earning.
Hits are often full of surprises, goals, cards and sometimes simply boredom, which ends in a goalless draw. Friendly matches and matches of national cups are not safe investment for your money. You should look for good odds somewhere else.
The time of the main examination comes when the black series begins. And it appears for everybody, even the most experienced sports punter. Inexperienced sports punters then try to make up as soon as possible and compensate losses, so their predictions are accidental. In 99% it ends in bankruptcy.
So we advise you to do different. If you see that despite a calm and analytical play your effectiveness decreases, do not try to make up momentarily. Have a break for a week, clear your mind and try again. The same advice is for high winnings which little experienced sports punters spend within several hours.
Although it is hard to explain it rationally, it is as it is. Psychology acts here, players lose watch, “since it is still a win”. This is a big mistake. It is better not to do it.
All those who just start their adventure with bookmaker bets we advise first to check their possibilities “virtually” without money. There are sites on which you can bet your predictions, learn to bet not risking real money. Check your effectiveness in such a way for 2-3 months, and you will see whether you can play with sports betting or not. Such practices do not cost a thing but can at the same time help you economize money and nerves.
Rational sports betting can become a source of huge emotion and – as in our case – a rather good income. A key to success is calmness, reliability, and ambition. We are confident that doing all these advices and recommendations you will be able to become the best sports punter, what we also wish you.
You just have to remember that bookmaker bets are not an entertainment, since you risk real money. Set a bankroll at the start with a loss of which you will be able to live and NEVER exceed the set, safe sum. NEVER borrow money for bookmaker bets, since in such a way you will put yourself into a dead end and consequences can be serious